St Peter's Church


Syro Malabar Youth Group contributed to SVP Appeal Success

Youth members fo the
Syro-Malabar Community
handed over three large boxes of nonperishable food items on Sunday, the fruits of their door to door collection in aid of the annual Society of St Vincent dePaul appeal in the diocese. The impressive work of the youth members is evidence of the handing on of an important tradition to a new generation of Irish young people. The tradition of generosity and concern for the neighbour is alive and well in the changing environment of St. Peter’s Phibsborough


The annual Society of St Vincent dePaul  appeal at St. Peter’s Masses at the weekend


An impressive amount which will improve the lot of many in the Phibsborough area this Christmas.

If you missed your chance to give, the online option to support the SVP Christmas appeal is still live at,
A moment of your time could make someone’s Christmas this year..