St Peter's Church


Parish News

Sacrament of the Sick

Saturday 20 January

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Thank You for your Generosity

Christmas Fayre

The proceeds from this year’s Christmas Fayre have been finalised and a cheque has been sent to St Peter’s Conference of the Society of St Vincent de Paul in the amount €1,215.03. We thank you all most sincerely on their behalf for your continued generosity.

Coffee Morning

The Ladies of Charity wish to thank all those who supported them at the Coffee and Mince Pie Morning last Sunday at the Cremore Bakery. A total of €300 was raised. Once again [...]

Christmas Fayre

The proceeds from this year’s Christmas Fayre have been finalised and a cheque has been sent to St Peter’s Conference of the Society of St Vincent de Paul in the amount €1,215.03. We thank you all most sincerely on their behalf for your continued generosity.

Coffee Morning

The Ladies of Charity wish to thank all those who supported them at the Coffee and Mince Pie Morning last Sunday at the Cremore Bakery. A total of €300 was raised. Once again [...]

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Coffee Morning

Cremore Bakery - 17 December after 10am and 11.30am Mass

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You Shall Be My Witnesses

11.30am Mass - Sunday, 17 December

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Christmas Concert

Thursday 7 December @ 8pm

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Christmas Fayre

Saturday 2 December - 2pm to 5pm St Peter's Church Garden

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You Shall Be My Witnesses

Sunday 26 November - 11.30am Mass

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Do This In Memory

19 November at 11.30am Mass

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Annual Remembrance Mass

St Peter's Church - 12 November @ 11.30am

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Annual Remembrance Concert

St Patrick's Cathedral - 10 November

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