The restrictive measures introduced by the HSE are vital measures to limit the spread of the coronavirus. We all have a moral responsibility and a civic duty to respect them in detail in order to protect us and others.
Sunday / Weekday Mass
At this time the celebration of Mass on Sundays and on weekdays – including Saint Patrick’s Day – will continue as normal. However, all are dispensed from the obligation of physical presence at Sunday Mass. Those with underlying conditions and those who are considered vulnerable we strongly encourage to stay at home. While in church and as far as possible people are asked to keep a safe distance from one another, in keeping with current advice. Indoor gathering numbers we will have to limit Mass attendance to the recommended 100 people maximum.
The information regarding Covid-19 virus is changing, we will monitor the situation carefully and make changes to our Mass schedule in order to ensure all our parishioners safety, if the need arises.
List of local Churches with Webcabs to watch and listen to daily Mass
Ballygall Parish Church, Glasnevin
OR www.ballygallparish.ie
St. Columba’s Church, Iona Road
OR www.ionaroadparish.ie/
St Mary’s Pro Cathedral, Dublin 1
OR www.procathedral.ie
OR https://www.dublindiocese.ie/watch-listen-live/
Mass can also be viewed daily on the EWTN television channel