The Do This In Memory programme aims to involve parents, parish leaders and the wider parish community in preparing children for First Eucharist. The sacramental preparation of children is the responsibility of the home, school and parish working together in partnership. Together with Baptism and Confirmation, the celebration of First Eucharist opens the door to full membership of the Christian community.
Programme Dates 2019-2020 | ||
11.30 am | Sunday 15 October | Enrolment Mass |
11.30 am | Sunday 17 November | Mass |
11.30 am | Sunday 8 December | Mass |
7 30 pm | Friday 20 December | Christmas Carol Service |
TBD | Thursday 13 February | First Confession Service |
11.30 am | Sunday 3 May |
First Holy Communion Mass |
Preparation for Confirmation in our parish is based on “You Shall Be My Witnesses” programme.
You Shall Be My Witnesses is a parish-based preparation programme for Confirmation. It is a resource designed to encourage active partnership between those involved in parish leadership, parents and members of the wider parish community as they help children to prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation.
Programme Dates 2019-2020 | ||
11.30 am | Sunday 1st December | Enrolment Mass |
7 30 pm | Friday 20 December | Christmas Carol Service |
11.30 am | Sunday February | Confirmation Mass |
11.30am | Sunday 31 May | Pentecost Sunday |
We call to mind the children who will prepare for the sacraments during the coming year and all who care for them. We ask your blessing on all of them and on all of us gathered here. May we always walk as children of the light and be prepared to share that light with those whom we meet.