Luke’s Gospel will be read on most Sundays during this year and this is an opportunity to get a better understanding of Luke’s very nuanced telling of the story of Jesus.
Explore the gospel with Dr. Brian Nolan CM
St Peter’s Church, Phibsboro,
Thursday 28th March 2019 7.30pm
Dr. Nolan’s talk will deal with the following themes.
1. The Interpersonal Gospel
A. Prayer marks the great events
B. “Interiority”: we get inside people’s minds
C. Evangelisation by table fellowship and talk
2. The Gospel of Women, 8:1-3
3. The Gospel of the Great Majority
A. Subjects of Rome at Christmas, Luke 1-2
B. Outsiders/Poor in Luke’s special parables:
– Good Samaritan, 10:29-37
– Prodigal Son(s), 15:11-32
– Dives and Lazarus, 16:19-31
– Persistent widow, 18:1-8
C. Kingdom power for the Marginalised:
– Only son of Widow of Nain, 7:11-18
– The Samaritan Leper, 17:11-19
– Ear of High priest’s slave, 22:49-53
4. The Compassionate Hero of the Passion
– Dignified, forgiving, innocent, 22:14-23:50