“The love of a man and woman is made holy in the sacrament of Matrimony and becomes a mirror of God’s love for the world.”
Matrimony is often called the ‘lay sacrament” because the parties (man and woman) administer it to each other. The priest is then the chief witness to the sacrament. In this sacrament, a man and woman establish a lifelong union between themselves for their mutual good and the procreation of children. The graces received through this sacrament help each spouse to help the other advance in holiness and it helps them together to cooperate in God’s plan by raising children in the Faith.
In the Republic of Ireland couples must give three months notice of their intention to marry in writing to their local registrar.
However, on November 5th 2007, the new requirements of the Civil Registration Act, 2004 came into effect. This requires that all couples must give three months notice of their intention to marry to any civil registrar in person. In order to do this couples must contact the registrar’s office beforehand to make an appointment.
When you have decided to marry, please complete the online booking form Provisional Booking Form and contact the parish office at +353 1 838 9708 or email: info@stpetersphibsboro.ie you can also download our Wedding Preparation Booklet which has all the information you require for your upcoming wedding.
Traditionally couples go to the home parish of the bride but they can go to either parish if they wish. It is advisable to make arrangements about the date and the time well in advance in order to avoid disappointment. In the Dublin Diocese weddings are not permitted on Sundays, Holy days of obligation, Holy Thursday, Good Friday or Holy Saturday. Please note that the Church requires a minimum of three months notice of the intended wedding.
For further information on getting married in the Catholic Church go to www.gettingmarried.ie