The month of November is always a special time to remember loved ones who have died, particularly in the past 12 months. We think of family members, friends and neighbours. We remember with gratitude the love they shared with us and the many sacrifices they made for us. If you would like to have your loved ones prayed for please take one of the lists and envelopes at each of the Church doors and write down the names of your deceased relatives and friends. Place them in the donation box at Our Lady’s Shrine or in the post box at the presbytery entrance. Their names will be remembered at our daily Mass throughout NOVEMBER on our webcam at http://www.stpetersphibsboro.ie/live-stream
The death of someone you love is always traumatic.
Their passing leaves a void in your life and home.
We turn to family and friends to console us in our grieving.
We also turn to God and his Word for consolation.
We read in the Gospel Jesus’ great promise, “Trust in God still
and trust in me. There are many rooms in my Father’s house.”
As a community, we will gather to support each other
and turn to God in prayer for our deceased loved ones
at our Remembrance Mass later in November.