St Peter’s Parish could not function without the time and talents of so many people…. In doing so they create a welcoming environment where all of us feel safe and where the children and the vulnerable among our parish are cherished and protected. It is in that spirit we strive to cooperate with Dublin Archdiocese and ensure that all members of staff and all volunteers are Garda Vetted.
National Vetting Bureau are done electronically in a process known as E-Vetting. There are two stages to the process.
Stage 1: NVB 1
Complete Sections 1 & 2 of The Vetting Invitation Form (NVB 1). On the form specify the role you are volunteering for e.g. Eucharistic Minister, Choir Member, Reader etc. Drop it back in an envelope to the Parish Office/Sacristy or by Post to: Marion McCormack, Administrator, St Peter’s Church, Phibsborough, Dublin 7.
The law requires you to provide two forms of identity one of which is photographic e.g. driving licence, passport or public service card. Section 3 will be completed by Fr Aidan (PP) and a witness (member of Safeguarding committee).
Stage 2: NVB 2
You will receive an email from The National Vetting Bureau with their Online Application Form (NVB 2). You are asked to complete this form online within 30 days of receiving it. You will receive acknowledgement of it being accepted.
If you don’t have an email address or access to a computer, please don’t worry, the parish will provide one for you and will assist you in completing the online application.
While this process is time consuming and even a bit challenging at times, it is worthwhile when it helps produce a safe, secure and healthy space and place where we all can worship freely and joyfully.
Thank you.