St Peter's Church


The Holy City

Good Friday is the day assigned to give support to the Holy Places, and the work of the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land.* Even in these days, please please be generous.

Click the red button to exercise that charity even in these very strange times, then choose the Holy Places option to give a donation to the work of protecting the Holy Places of Our Lord’s Life, Death and Resurrection

Join us on line for the
Stations of the Cross at 12.00noon
The Passion at 3.00pm

*The Custody of the Holy Land (LatinCustodia Terræ Sanctæ) is a custodian priory of the Franciscan order in Jerusalem, founded as Province of the Holy Land in 1217 by Saint Francis of Assisi, who also founded the Franciscan Order. Its mission is to guard “the grace of the Holy Places” of the Holy Land and the rest of the Middle East, “sanctified by the presence of Jesus“,[1] as well as pilgrims visiting them, on behalf of the Catholic Church.[2][3] In 1342, the Franciscans were declared by two papal bulls as the official custodians of the Holy Places in the name of the Catholic Church.[4]